Park Rules

Check out our

River's Edge RV Park Rules

Office hours are Mon-Sat 2:30-4:00pm. Office Closed Sundays and Holidays. Do Not Knock on Manager or Owner's door. Call (707) 764-5420 for assistance. Quiet time is 10PM-6AM. No loud music (including car stereos) at any time. Do not sit on the fence.

OBSERVE SPEED LIMIT of 5 MPH on Park Road. Speed Violation is a fineable offense: $50 1st violation and $100 for subsequent violation(s). No vehicle parking along the fence! Park has surveillance equipment and will vigorously enforce speed limits!

No tobacco Smoking on Park property or within 25 feet of another Tenant's RV. Smoking/Vaping of cannabis and/or nicotine vapor at RV leased site only! DISCRETE Recreational and/or Medical personal drug use is permitted at RV site. No drugs other than cannabis are permitted in Park. NO Dealing or Distribution of ANY DRUG will be tolerated! No growing (cultivation) permitted inside RV. This is a Zero Tolerance Rule.

Arrival of all Guests/Visitors must be pre-announced to Park Staff. Guests must register at office. You are responsible for your Visitors' and Guests' conduct and any damage to Park property by them.Children under 10 years of age shall be attended by an adult at all times.

Tenants will display respectful conduct to Park Staff and comply with Staff requests without "attitude", shouting, threatening gestures or foul or vulgar language. No rowdiness, drunkenness and/or belligerent, harassing, aggressive or disturbing behavior towards Tenants, Staff or property.

No pets in Park buildings. Pick up after pets immediately. Doggie bags are at restrooms and throughout the Park.Visitors and Guests CANNOT bring pets into the Park!One pet is included with rent payment. A 2nd approved pet is $20 monthly. Pets must be licensed, vaccinated, spayed or neutered. No aggressive breeds. Inside cats ONLY! Pick up after pets immediately. Pets must never be left unattended in or outside the RV. Walk dogs on leash no longer than 6 FT. No "replacement" pets without pre-approval of Manager. Service or Companion Pets must be documented and approved by Park prior to entry into Park.

Garbage dumpster is for household items only. No mattresses, appliances, etc. Place all garbage in PLASTIC bags between 8am and 8pm. Recycle! Bathhouse Code Locks are for your security! Do not give code to someone you do not know. If you are discovered giving out a code, ALL the codes will have be changed and you will be fined $50. Laundry room hours are 8AM to 8PM. Laundry room will be locked at 8pm daily-no exceptions. $10 Rolled coins available during Office Hours only. Plan ahead and do not ask Staff for laundry coins outside Office Hours.No dog walking or parking on unoccupied sites. Do not walk on other tenant's sites.

Two vehicles maximum per site 1-44. One vehicle per site 45-49. Additional vehicle billed at $20 monthly with prior Park permission. No commercial trailers or specialty equipment. No parking on grass, fire lanes or on common property. Non-operating vehicles strictly prohibited. No fishing or motorized boats; kayaks and canoes permitted. No oil changing and other types of vehicle maintenance allowed. No RV and/or car washing allowed (bucket wash only!). No ATVs or mini- bikes allowed in Park or in Wildlife Refuge/Dog Run. No unsightly vehicles (unpainted, missing windows, multiple dents, exterior parts missing) or unsightly loads (garbage, personal items, tools, appliances) visible in vehicles. Vehicles must not be excessively noisy and must have mufflers. Tenant will be fined $50 for 1st Vehicles violation, $100 for 2nd violation and a third Vehicles violation is a default of this Lease and cause for eviction.

These services can be activated as a private subscription by calling SUDDENLINK at 1-877-443-3127. Inform Suddenlink Representative that River's Edge RV Park has a "bundled" account and that you wish to purchase "add-on" service. Please return your receiver box and router before you leave Park.

Mail can only be delivered to the names listed on original application and/or current Lease. Onsite mail convenience facility cannot receive packages that do not fit in your mailbox.

RVs, tow vehicles and Tenants' passenger vehicles must be kept licensed, registered and in operating condition. No broken windows. No leaking fluids or flat tires. Slides must be extended and self-supporting. Extended awnings must be intact. Only camping gear may be stored outside your vehicle including bicycles, cooler, outdoor propane fireplace. No out-structures, sheds, refrigerators, cages, trailers, motor bikes, tires, extra propane bottles, trash cans, tarps, tents, or clotheslines. Stair entry steps must have prior design approval. Unkempt sites will be subject to a $50 fine for 1st violation and $100 for the 2nd violation, plus janitorial/disposal fee. A third violation will be considered a default of this Lease.

A copy of your rent + electric bill will be placed into your Park Mailbox by the 29th of each month. All rents are due on the 1st and late after 4pm on the 6th of the month. There is a $50 late fee which is immediately due and payable. THREE late rent payments within 12 months will be a default of the Lease and cause for eviction.Rents can be paid by 1) walk-in during Office Operating hours by cash, credit/debit card or check, 2) U.S. mail with a stamp, 3) call Office with credit/debit card payment, 4) check can be left in Tenant's Mailbox or, 5) call the Park to make other arrangements ($20 fee charged for after-hours appointment requested by Tenant). Weekly rents are overdue at 11am on the day following the paid-up date and Tenant must depart or pay daily rate.

Large sheds $60/mo., small sheds $30/mo. Must sign Shed Agreement. Shed must be emptied and swept out at departure. Unclaimed shed contents will be disposed of immediately by the Park. Staff, janitorial and disposal costs will be deducted from General Deposit.

I have received a Park Mailbox key. If I do not return it, Park may deduct $25 from my General Deposit. I have received a copy of the Park Rules, which are part of the Tenant Lease, and agree to comply.